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Replacing Missing Teeth in Noosa

checking teeth in the mirrorIf you require extraction of a single tooth or multiple teeth, replacing those teeth is essential. Here are some reasons why:

Preservation of Jaw Bone

When a tooth is extracted, the bone that once surrounded and supported the tooth may deteriorate over time. This can result in jawbone loss and changes in the shape of your face, making you look older. Dental implants, in particular, help preserve bone structure by mimicking the natural tooth root and stimulating bone growth.

Maintaining Oral Function

A missing tooth can affect your ability to speak clearly, chew effectively, and bite properly. This can lead to digestive issues and nutritional deficiencies. Replacing the missing tooth with a prosthetic option can restore these functions, improving overall quality of life.

Preventing Teeth Shifting

When a tooth is missing, adjacent teeth may shift or tilt into the gap, leading to misalignment issues, bite problems, and potential crowding. Replacing the missing tooth with a bridge, implant, or denture helps maintain proper tooth alignment and bite.

model bridge

Enhancing Aesthetics

A missing tooth can affect your smile and facial appearance, potentially leading to self-esteem and self-confidence issues. Dental prosthetics like dental implants or bridges can provide a natural-looking replacement, improving your smile and appearance.

Long-Term Cost Savings

While there may be an initial cost to replace a missing tooth, long-term dental health and overall wellbeing can be more cost-effective than dealing with complications that arise from leaving a gap untreated.

Improved Quality of Life

A complete set of teeth enhances your overall quality of life, allowing you to smile confidently, eat comfortably, and speak clearly. A restored smile also may greatly boost your confidence in professional and social situations.

Book an Appointment

If you have missing teeth we want to help restore your smile. Contact The Dental Junction today to schedule an appointment.

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Replacing Missing Teeth Noosa Heads, Noosa Junction, Noosaville, Sunshine Coast QLD | (07) 5473 5117